Thursday, 19 January 2012

And she's off!

I'm not saying I couldn't be a little (maybe a lot) more organized, but take a few seconds to think about what you would pack into a manageable sized backpack to live and work for 5 months in a place you've never been = not so easy.

Right, moving on.

3 weeks of random-stuff-piling, 48 hours of more-specific-stuff-piling, about 3 hours of frantic last-minute-packing, and one very obnoxious prop. flight to Calgary.....I'm on my way to Accra!

So here's the deal...

While I'm in Accra, I'll be living with a Ghanaian host family and working at a local community development organization called Pro-Link. Their website is:

The work on a variety of socioeconomic focused projects to support women and girls affected by HIV-Aids. Don't worry; there will be much more on this in the upcoming months!

The Canadian Organization that is facilitating my placement (with the generous support of you folks!) is called Crossroads International. Their website is:

These are good websites if you're interested more generally in what this is all about. If you want to read a my personal take, or make a donation to support my placement, you can visit my personal page @

OR....OF COURSE, you can continue to check out my blog. I'm not sure what kind of internet access I'll have, but I really do hope to post regular updates on my life & times in Ghana.

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